Thursday, May 31, 2007

ugly sheet cakes

The one and only Pina Collidah has recently decided to dedicate a blog to art of the ugly sheet cake. Totally up my alley!

check it out here:

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

cupcakes are trendy :(

Cupcakes are trendy. I know this.

But I’m not blogging about my baking glory for that reason. I’m not even entirely sure my baking is all that glorious. A lot of the time it is somewhat of a disaster; Chocolate layer cakes landslide off my counter, The Grim Rimmah’s birthday cake fell upside down on the Fez Room carpet and was re-frosted with my hand, and I sometimes completely space on putting ingredients like sugar in.

Although I find amusement in these culinary mishaps, I always strive for that one moment of baking glory. I relish a moment when just a pinch of spite in your strawberry, mocha and peanut butter cupcakes can bring your enemy to tears.

I hope that here I can document my utter failures, successes and the ridiculousness that is my passion for baked goods.



Ps: I have a whole spice rack of secret ingredients. I bake most with love, but on the rare occasion I bake with spite.