Wednesday, May 30, 2007

cupcakes are trendy :(

Cupcakes are trendy. I know this.

But I’m not blogging about my baking glory for that reason. I’m not even entirely sure my baking is all that glorious. A lot of the time it is somewhat of a disaster; Chocolate layer cakes landslide off my counter, The Grim Rimmah’s birthday cake fell upside down on the Fez Room carpet and was re-frosted with my hand, and I sometimes completely space on putting ingredients like sugar in.

Although I find amusement in these culinary mishaps, I always strive for that one moment of baking glory. I relish a moment when just a pinch of spite in your strawberry, mocha and peanut butter cupcakes can bring your enemy to tears.

I hope that here I can document my utter failures, successes and the ridiculousness that is my passion for baked goods.



Ps: I have a whole spice rack of secret ingredients. I bake most with love, but on the rare occasion I bake with spite.


collidah said...

i love me a good maims-cake. and i didn't know that about the rimmahs birthday cake! thats gross! and funny!

Ruby Khan said...

You and JK5K should get together and talk cupcakes. We make some kickass creations at Chez Khan. He recently smacked down everyone in an office baking contest by making cupcakes that included 4 pounds of chocolate. Two layers of choclate glaze. Cocoa icing. Ganache filling. No one is going to fuck with him ever again.

Unknown said...

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