Monday, July 30, 2007

bAkiNG RagE- part deux

When i say "i'll make you a birthday cake" i should really start saying "i'll make you a birthday cake eventually". This way, if disaster strikes I have bought myself a little time.

It all started round about Sin Ickle's birthday. She has been living in Philly for the past million months and has missed out on all the other pissah birthday cakes and of course, like any good wife, Coach Hotwheels has done nothing but rub it in her face. So when she requested a Maimsey cake for her birthday it was impossible to refuse.

On Sin's actual birthday I was in Vermont hiking with my sister. I had assumed we would frolic in the woods for a few hours and then I would have time to get back to Boston and go about my business before starting the work week. Ten miles and seven hours later I got in my car to start my four hour drive back home. There would be no baking that day.

The next several weeks went on like this. Until finally, the week before last I was able to whip her up some cakes. I went to bed Wednesday night planning to awake early on Thursday to buy the supplies to make the coveted peanut butter frosting. Thursday morning my tire was flat. Fuck.

It wasn't until Monday that I could get myself together and to make the frosting. By this time the cakes had been sitting on my counter wrapped in tinfoil for days and i feared they were too stale. I mean, if you're going to wait a month for your birthday cake, it best not be stale. So i tossed the cakes around the kitchen like frisbees and moved onto remake the cake in cupcake form.

I was finally able to complete the task and cover them tight so that they would last until Thursday when I drove the cupcakes over to Hot Wheels who promised not to eat them before Sin came home the next day.

All is well that ends well. Sin was very happy to have received her cupcakes at last and I learned a valuable lesson on setting expectations.


Jennifer said...

i for one am happy that baking rage is over- even though Maimsey got her discus practice in with the stale cakes, our kitchen is in much better shape now that the baking madness has ended for the time being...

collidah said...

i have to say... i haven't cheked the site for a day or two and i leurve the pictoral additions!!