Tuesday, July 10, 2007

No Love for Bread Pudding

With the two hour drive to Connecticut in Fourth of July traffic looming over my head, I got up early on fourth to do my baking. As overtired and discombobulated as I was (and usually am) I flipped through a few of my recipe books to find a recipe I already had the ingredients for. I found none.

I flipped through a second time hoping to find a recipe that only involved me walking to the White Hen two blocks down the street and not putting real clothes on (ie: a bra), getting in my car, driving to the store, finding a GD'ed parking spot, running through the isles, checking out, getting back in my car, finding a parking spot near my house, and hauling all my purchases in. And then I saw it. Bread.Pudding. Yummy and Sweet and Simplistic!

I walked down to White Hen to pick up some milk, eggs and dense white bread. "why don't I make bread pudding all the time?!?" I wondered as I made my way back home.

The actual making of the bread pudding was perhaps the easiest thing ever. Egg, Sugar, Milk and Vanilla beaten and poured over cut up bread pieces. Throw that sucker in the oven and you have dessert!

Fast forward to the bbq where we are all gathered in the kitchen waiting for the dessert to be put out. There are cookies, and strawberry shortcake, and my glorious bread pudding. No one touches the bread pudding- though they do stare at it kind of confused like. It was then I realized, No one likes bread pudding. Just me.

Serves me right for being to lazy to go to the grocery store, I suppose. But really, bread pudding is just under appreciated in general. If you would like to try making some delicious bread pudding- take a look here. http://web.foodnetwork.com/food/web/searchResults?searchString=bread+pudding&site=food&searchType=Recipe


Unknown said...

I would've grabbed the whole dish, sat in a corner and eaten the whole thing yourself. That would show them.

Maybe not. But it'd be damn funny and totally appropriate for a fat kid!

collidah said...

i'd eat your puddin' too.

samuel said...

I'd have eaten it too. Maybe next time you could make it with rum and see how quick it goes.